The Introduction:

Thompson Rivers University is a sustainably thriving institution that sets an exemplary bar for other institutions in Canada. From the vast group of members at the TRU Sustainability Office, we had the opportunity to interview Ms. Claire Irvine, the Sustainability Programs and Support Coordinator.

A cheerful and insightful person, Claire’s ideas and thoughts were both knowledgable and eye-opening to us. The enthusiasm of her words was encouraging to our ideals of “sustainablyours”. We thank her for her time and words. And hence, we bring her thoughts on sustainability and fashion to you in our short interview series!

The Vision:

Throughout our blog posts and vlogs, we at “sustainablyours” have always tried to discuss and elaborate on the issue of how the fashion industry is trying to considerate and sustainable. However, we decided to discover and explore the roots and discover what it means to be sustainable first.

The motivation and idea to explore the core of sustainability led us to look at our surroundings and think about what or who around us is trying their hardest to initiate and implement ways to be sustainable. This thought process ended when we started looking at the Sustainability Club which led us to our guest, Claire Irvine.

The Questions: 

After brainstorming for days, discussing every detail, and working out each aspect, the team at “sustainablyours” came up and roughly shortlisted the following questions:

  1. What is your position and responsibilities?
  2. What brought you to the field of sustainability?
  3. Who are your role models when reflecting on sustainability?
  4. How do you motivate others to make more sustainable choices?
  5. What types of activities does the sustainability office participate in?
  6. What do you think is a big issue that is often overlooked when discussing sustainability?
  7. Do you think TRU makes an effort to be sustainable? What do you think they could do better?
  8. How do you determine if a company isn’t greenwashing before purchasing clothes from them?
  9. What do you feel was the most impactful change you personally made to live more sustainably?
  10. What do you think is the average person’s mindset towards sustainability? Do people care about their impact or not?

The Talk: