Fashion choices and preferences are based on personal tastes and fascination with style yet, trendy doesn’t always mean good.
The post-covid fashion industry moves toward the aim to “return back” to the environment that the industry has taken so much from. However, the manufacturing of everyone’s favourite material, denim, causes a huge amount of stress on the environment.
The manufacturing of denim relies on cotton that is grown using a lot of water and heavily toxic pesticides. The absorption and discharge of these pesticides poison a large number of waterways, which can further poison anyone who comes into contact with it. The process of production in factories relies on large amounts of water. To achieve the popular “lived-in” look that is trending the denim must be subjected to several chemical-intensive washes.

In a world where over 10% of the global population lacks access to safe drinking water, the production of one pair of jeans requires up to 8 gallons of water, which is equivalent to three days of water usage for an average US household (“Is Denim Eco-Friendly? (And Is It Bad For Environment) – Conserve Energy Future”, 2022).
There are companies that are working towards better environmental practices. For example, the heritage jeans brand Levi’s is aiming to work towards using 100% sustainably sourced cotton and having 100% renewable energy in Levi’s owned and operated facilities also, aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% across its entire supply chain (Nast, 2022). Thrift shopping and buying vintage is always going to be the most environmental option available to us. Good quality jeans get better with age so choose lived-in denim.
Is Denim Eco-Friendly? (And Is It Bad For Environment) – Conserve Energy Future. (2022). Retrieved 2 February 2022, from, C. (2022).
27 Popular Fashion Brands That Are Getting Sustainability Right. Retrieved 2 February 2022, from